Sunday evening science-y links!

  1. PZ explains allometry or differential growth with some (freaky) pictures, some really cool Chimpanzee pictures and a bit of math;
  2. Babel’s dawn on Darwin on the evolution of languages;
  3. Tim Labert at Deltoid has three posts on Rachel Carson and the hoax of Rachel-killed-millions (by supporting DDT ban for agricultural use)–here, here and here;
  4. Tzramsoy at Brainethics on human rights (or, chimp rights?) to Chimps; while we are on the topic, take a look also at Afarensis’ post on evolution of animal personlities;
  5. Origami, non-Euclidean geometry and trisecting angles–what a heady mixture!
  6. Rhesus Macaques (yes, the ones that you find in Indian temples and are called Hanuman monkeys in some parts of South India) can think probablistically, informs Afarensis;
  7. Mathew Nisbet on the need for establishment of new ground rules as to how scientists and journalists should negotiate news; also of interest is Doug Natelson’s post of an example of hyped science journalism; and,
  8. Seed cribsheet on photosynthesis.

Have fun!

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