A wiki for math tricks!

Terence Tao brings these glad tidings with his latest post:

As many readers may already know, my good friend and fellow mathematical blogger Tim Gowers, having wrapped up work on the Princeton Companion to Mathematics (which I believe is now in press), has begun another mathematical initiative, namely a “Tricks Wiki” to act as a repository for mathematical tricks and techniques.    Tim has already started the ball rolling with several seed articles on his own blog, and asked me to also contribute some articles.  (As I understand it, these articles will be migrated to the Wiki in a few months, once it is fully set up, and then they will evolve with edits and contributions by anyone who wishes to pitch in, in the spirit of Wikipedia; in particular, articles are not intended to be permanently authored or signed by any single contributor.)

An interesting idea — I certainly would love to take a look at the wiki page once in a while!


4 Responses to “A wiki for math tricks!”

  1. gaddeswarup Says:

    This is probably well known but I learnt it very late in life. Around 1972, I found a simple proof of a difficult theorem in topology by showing that a certain group is trivial. A relative version of that theorem would have been good but it was after 30 years that I realized that it was equivalent to saying that a certain natural map between two groups is the trivial map. Since then similar considerations came in other contexts; instead of just studying an object it is useful to study relations (in this case natural maps) between objects. Put this way, it seems a good strategy but it never came naturally to me. I wonder whether this can be considered a trick.

  2. Guru Says:

    Dear Swarup,

    Having never had any formal training in mathematics, I am not able to say whether it can be considered a trick or not. However, if you can do a more detailed post in your blog with examples, there is no harm in submitting it to Tricks wiki; if it indeed is well known, you might get some comments to that effect and it would still be considered as a contribution to the wiki. On the other hand, if it is a trick not well known, it might be of great help to junta.


  3. makintosh Says:

    Набрел на x-strange.ru
    Всем рекомендую!
    Эти программы приносят мне ежедневный доход.
    Пусть это не тысячи долларов, которые обещают многие проекты а десятки и сотни тысяч рублей.
    Но это реально приходит на кошелек.
    Я доволен.
    Раньше максимум что я получал, так это пару центов за чтение писем.

  4. ganstasetz Says:

    Интернет-магазин легальных веществ предлагает множество товаров для личного использования с целью доставления удовольствия:
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