Recipe (and Rx) for winter colds

Maud Newton gives a recipe for spicy tomato soup as the Rx for winter cold:

Start making it the second you feel a cold or sore throat coming on.

If you are lazy like me, you might want to try my grandmother’s recipe; it works even for Chicago-an winter cold.

Take a pinch of turmeric powder and half a spoon of cane sugar in a cup; powder seven or eight dried black peppers and add it to the mix. Put 100 to 150 ml of milk and heat in the microwave oven for 90 seconds. Drink it as warm as you can take (either before going to bed, or, first thing in the morning). Works wonderfully!

One Response to “Recipe (and Rx) for winter colds”

  1. Maud Newton: Blog Says:

    […] remedy. And here’s a recipe from the City Mouse, which also includes cheese, and a concoction recommended by Entertaining Research’s […]

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